Issue 16-02-2024

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 16-02-2024

Thought for the week

A problem shared: Linda Murgatroyd’s Thought for the week

by Linda Murgatroyd

A few Friends from Wandsworth and Wimbledon met recently to share our responses to the conflict in Gaza. It had been much on our minds but, wary of causing unintentional offence or hurt, and not knowing quite what to say, most of us had avoided the subject. Trusting our worship-sharing process, however, it was good to share something personal.


Course of action: Georgeanne Lamont & Diana Lampen

by Georgeanne Lamont & Diana Lampen

It is proper that most of the money donated to helping refugees and asylum seekers benefits them directly; but this means there is little provision for the needs of those who provide that help. They are often isolated, stressed, and suffering from unfeeling and shifting official policies. They are sometimes close to burnout. From 2017, Quaker Peace & Social Witness arranged a series of three retreats at Charney Manor for them, drawing on money from the Elizabeth Brown Legacy. We were asked to lead these programmes. The money was used up, but the needs and demand continued, so we decided in faith to arrange another one last year, which was fully booked and funded by individuals and two trusts. Participants came from projects in France, Greece and Britain; some had been asylum seekers themselves. Here is one typical response:


Come to grief: Lloyd Pritchard’s enormity of inadequacy

by Lloyd Pritchard

All I can offer you for your grief is my inadequacy for the task of relating to it.


Cracking a book: Elizabeth Coleman on how Quakers should approach the Bible

by Elizabeth Coleman

Some Quakers have little knowledge of biblical criticism. So how should we read the Bible? It is a collection of books that say many different, often contradictory, things.


Friends pilot peer mediation scheme

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM)’s peace education team piloted a three-day sustainable model for peer mediation training last month.


Inter Faith Network faces imminent closure

by Rebecca Hardy Friends are being urged to write to MPs and sign a petition to save the Inter Faith…

Quaker socialists discuss private schools

by Rebecca Hardy The Quaker Socialist Society (QSS) discussed how state schools and Quaker private schools…

Peace cranes from Hiroshima

by Rebecca Hardy Quakers were involved in a ‘Trees of Peace’ installation on display in Coventry…

Long-sighted: Rosemary Field on love after death

by Rosemary Field Last month, Kate McNally beautifully described her long-lasting relationship with her…

Eye - 16 February 2024

by Elinor Smallman A great people? A Friend from Scarborough shared a story of seeking a sight. Dilys Cluer…

Friends’ Meeting House Pakefield

by Patricia Peters Too small to be called a hall a house in an overgrown garden, where old horizontal slabs…

Letters - 16 February 2024

by The Friend Medicines shortage The current medicines shortage in the UK is unsatisfactory, unfair and,…

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