Issue 01-02-2024

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 01-02-2024

Thought for the week

Just imagine: Helen Buckroyd’s Thought for the week

by Helen Buckroyd

Early in the new year, many of us reflect on how we might change for the better. Often, coupled with a desire for physical change, comes a thirst for a spiritual or mental change, and the January media offers many tips for those in the pursuit of happiness.


Keeping score: David & Joolz Saunders remember a dramatic musical composition

by David & Joolz Saunders

As this George Fox anniversary year gets underway, those of us of a musical mind might find ourselves recalling a musical composition based on Fox’s life. It was called The Fire and the Hammer, and is a cantata with words by Alec Davison and music by Tony Biggin (readers might remembver them as the co-creators of The Gates of Greenham and Cry of the Earth).


Step change: Angela Greenwood reflects on a day of witness

by Angela Greenwood

Like many of us, I feel challenged and pained by the troubles and hurts around me, and the unbearable horrors we see acted out both nearby and in far away places. We can feel helpless, and pushed to act – but what to do and how to respond? A profound question, especially for those of us like Quakers on a spiritual path of silent opening and waiting in the Light.


Crime against nature? Marian Liebmann and Mike Nellis on ecocide

by Marian Liebmann and Mike Nellis

Friends have rightly been wary of criminalisation as a means of addressing socially harmful behaviour when other forms of resolution can be used instead. We oppose criminalisation which uses state power to erode democracy and suppress dissent. But we are not against criminalisation when it is based on the gravity of a particular harm, and a desire to prevent it happening. For instance, we have welcomed recent laws against drink-driving, smoking in public buildings, stalking, and rape within marriage.


Edinburgh Friends address food poverty

by Rebecca Hardy

Edinburgh Quakers have said that a local foodbank where many Friends volunteer is struggling with donations for the first time.


Joined-up writing: Gill Sewell and Olivia Sewell-Risley seek contributions for the Friends Quarterly

by Gill Sewell and Olivia Sewell-Risley

In 2023 in the Friends Quarterly, we explored ‘feelings’, ‘preparation for Yearly Meeting’, ‘outreach’ and ‘grief’. Planning for 2024 is already underway. If you’re a subscriber, you’ll soon receive an issue with a focus on faith – faith as it is expressed and experienced in a variety of ways, within the Quaker community and without.


Friends resist petroleum bill

by Rebecca Hardy Friends have backed warnings that the government’s oil and gas bill threatens to…

Scottish children’s bill gets royal assent

by Rebecca Hardy The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Bill officially received…

‘Storm Jocelyn’ named after Quaker

by Rebecca Hardy The bad weather that hit UK shores last week was named ‘Storm Jocelyn’ in honour of…

Novelist speaks on Quaker aid in Spanish civil war

by Rebecca Hardy The novelist Maggie Brookes discussed her new book about Quaker aid in the Spanish civil…

Eco Hub: Sue Hampton gets a green light

by Sue Hampton I’m a member of Berkhamsted Meeting. I’m also the founder of the local branch of…

Eye - 02 February 2024

by Elinor Smallman Sing a song of Swann Rosemary Mathew, of Cambridge Jesus Lane Meeting, popped this piccy…


by Roger Iredale It was not from the tongues of angels that came the whine of exocets intent on harm to…

Letters - 02 February 2024

by The Friend Brought to book I write to assure Anne Wade (Letters, 18 January) that I share her…

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