
We also publish longer form work. The two titles available for purchase below are compilations of series that have been published in the Friend.

In Words you can join Harvey Gillman as he reflects on religious language and words such as worship, ministry, church, prayer, spirit, elder, mysticism and testimony. Meanwhile, in Gleanings you can explore what is Quaker about our commitment to sustainability, with Laurie Michaelis.

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What is Quaker about our commitment to sustainability?

Laurie Michaelis considers this question in a collection of thoughtful and reflective essays that explore his personal response to one of the major concerns of our time.

At the heart of the book is an enduing challenge to Friends: ‘What canst thou say?’

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Can we still use religious vocabulary creatively and imaginatively in a world caught between religious literalism and secular indifference?

In this collection of articles by Harvey Gillman he reflects on religious language and words such as worship, ministry, church, prayer, spirit, elder, mysticism and testimony.

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