Issue 12-07-2024

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 12-07-2024

Thought for the week

In their own manner: Gerard Guiton’s Thought for the Week

by Gerard Guiton

After my first Quaker Meeting I got talking to Albert. Nearly three hours later I set off home, amazed and grateful for his spending so much time with me. He recalled his life in Nottinghamshire, his emigration adventures, and told me what Quakerism meant to him. Albert was saintly, humble, gentle, down-to-earth. Active in Quaker peace committees, I saw just how Friends loved him.


BYM welcomes all Quaker MPs

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) welcomed six Quaker MPs to parliament, after a dramatic general election in which Keir Starmer’s Labour Party won a landslide victory.


Crynwyr Cymru/Quakers in Wales: Huw Meredydd Owen reports from the recent Meeting in Aberystwyth

by Huw Meredydd Owen

The phrase ‘adding coals to the embers’ arose in our ministry, from Deborah Rowlands, who remembered a period twenty-five years ago when a sense of constructive renewal was needed. It seemed to fit well with the range of matters being raised at this Meeting.


Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part one

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman

This year’s Yearly Meeting proper begins on 26 July, but Friends have already begun to gather online for a series of preparation sessions, scheduled over 5-10 July. Special interest groups and Quaker Recognised Bodies have also been running online events. Staff from the Friend will be getting to as many as possible, but if we missed yours please let us know and we’ll try to catch up another way. This week’s coverage takes us up to Sunday 7 July.


Armed Forces Day events hostings decline

by Rebecca Hardy Interest in hosting Armed Forces Day events has declined in recent months, according to…

Quaker artists go to Greenbelt

by Rebecca Hardy The Quaker Arts Network (QAN) will have a presence at the Greenbelt Festival this summer,…

Pity of War sculpture unveiled

by Rebecca Hardy The Quaker-initiated Pity of War memorial was unveiled at the National Memorial Arboretum…

FWCC welcomes Julia Walloch

by Rebecca Hardy The Friends World Committee for Consultation Europe and Middle East Section (FWCC EMES)…

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part two

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman At a session on Alternative forms of Quaker community, Jude Acton and Rachel Matthews, of…

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part three

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman A dozen Friends gathered on Saturday morning for Footsteps on the crag: Pardshaw…

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part four

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman On Saturday evening the Quaker Arts Network asked How do the arts envision our witness?…

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part five

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman In Getting it right; How should Christians talk about antisemitism? twenty-seven Friends…

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part six

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman What might a Quaker testimony to kindness look like? This was the question considered…

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part seven

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman A moving session by Quaker Voices on Mental Health (QVoMH) was held on Sunday. John…

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part eight

by Writing by: Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, and Elinor Smallman We all make Yearly Meeting was led by Rhiannon Grant of Woodbrooke. She was joined by…

Letters - 12 July 2024

by The Friend StonehengeI note the photo of cornstarch paint on Stonehenge (28 June). It sparks…

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