Issue 09-08-2024

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 09-08-2024

Thought for the week

‘We are all participants’: Epistle from Yearly Meeting 2024

by Britain Yearly Meeting

An all-age Quaker Community has gathered in Friends House and online. [Zoom] has enabled wider participation, but it can be harder to be aware of everyone in our sessions. Our time has included programmes for children and young people, as well as Junior Yearly Meeting. We have welcomed representatives from other churches and faiths, and Friends from overseas. We have celebrated the 400th anniversary of the birth of George Fox.


Yearly Meeting 2024 - part six

by Rebecca Hardy, Joseph Jones, Elinor Smallman

The first three days of Yearly Meeting (YM) 2024 had ended with something of a cliffhanger. Proposals from the Group to Review Yearly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Gatherings and Meeting for Sufferings (GRYYM) had been considered, but those gathered had not yet found unity around them. The question of whether to replace Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) with a ‘continuing Yearly Meeting’ was therefore still up in the air on Monday morning as Session five began in worship.


Yearly Meeting 2024 - part seven

by Rebecca Hardy, Joseph Jones, Elinor Smallman

In the opening worship of Session six, one Friend paraphrased Quaker faith & practice 3.06: ‘When we unite with a minute offered by our clerks we are not suddenly expressing absolute agreement, there are still minority views, but what we are expressing is confidence and faith in our tried and tested methods of seeking God’s will.’


Yearly Meeting 2024 - part eight

by Rebecca Hardy, Joseph Jones, Elinor Smallman

Outside of Yearly Meeting sessions, Friends had opportunities to worship together throughout the five days – early in the morning, and bringing the day’s schedule to a close in the evening.


Yearly Meeting 2024 - part nine

by Rebecca Hardy, Joseph Jones, Elinor Smallman

Session seven was held to deal with some of the practical issues resulting from the Meeting’s approval of the proposals for a ‘continuing Yearly Meeting’.

First, one Friend offered some emotional ministry. ‘Liberation does not look like anything that we [already] know,’ she said. ‘As Quakers we are, apparently, invited to be open to transformation. I’m struggling to see in my experience of this Yearly Meeting where that is… I feel that antiracism, which is the piece that speaks with me, does not get a lot of space.’ 


Yearly Meeting 2024 - part ten

by Rebecca Hardy, Joseph Jones, Elinor Smallman

In the opening ten-minute worship of Session eight, the closing session, Friends seemed quick to speak. Arriving late to the morning session, one Quaker said he had been reminded of the words of Robert Barclay: ‘When I came into the silent assemblies of God’s people, I felt a secret power among them, which touched my heart; and as I gave way unto it I found the evil weakening in me and the good raised up.’


‘War and peace’: Joe Jones watches the Salter Lecture 2024

by Joe Jones There was an impish mood among the Friends who gathered to watch this year’s Salter…

QUNO director steps down

by Rebecca Hardy Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge has stepped down from her role as director of Quaker United…

Friends hear Alternative Security Review findings

by Rebecca Hardy Quakers in Darlington heard key findings from the upcoming Alternative Security Review…

BYM submits evidence to UN on UK racism

by Rebecca Hardy The UK must do more to tackle racism, Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has told a review by…

Quakers welcome measures to restore asylum rights

by Rebecca Hardy The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) has said that it welcomes measures to restore…

BYM publishes financial accounts

by Rebecca Hardy Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) made a loss of £2 million in 2023, according to the…

Letters - 09 August 2024

by The Friend Economic growthThank you for printing my ‘Thought for the week’ (26 July) on economic…

Eye - 09 August 2024

by Elinor Smallman Bringing Friends together Friends from Meetings across two counties had the opportunity to…

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