Devon Area Meeting sent a minute to Meeting for Sufferings for adoption and publicising among Friends. Minute 55/2014: ‘Courage to Save the Planet’ suggests that Friends are…
Jennifer Barraclough, clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees, reported to Meeting for Sufferings on the trustees’ meeting that had taken place the previous day. She…
As part of the BYM trustees’ report, Jennifer Barraclough spoke to Friends about the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014,…
Watford Friends have made a film remembering ‘those who defied the call to arms’ in the first world war. Watford’s Quiet Heroes: Resisting the Great War is the work of Chris…
Quakers have joined with other faith communities in calling on the government to cancel the replacement of Trident. Juliet Prager, deputy recording clerk of Quakers in Britain, was…
Waterford’s Quaker heritage has been acknowledged in the official opening of the city’s Quaker memorial. The memorial, funded by the local council, is on the site of the first…
Australian dissent and opposition to the first world war was highlighted at an exhibition in Sydney. ‘World War 1: Quaker witness to peace and non-violence’ ran from 6 to 14…
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