Friends are among those campaigning for the University of York to become a Living Wage employer

Quaker students in living wage campaign

Friends are among those campaigning for the University of York to become a Living Wage employer

by Tara Craig 13th March 2015

Ten Friends are among those campaigning for the University of York to become a Living Wage-accredited employer. The university’s Labour Club, Socialist Society, Liberal Democrats and Greens have joined Friends in demanding that all university staff be paid a living wage.

Staff paid directly by the university earn more than the £7.85 recommended by the Living Wage Foundation. A number of those employed by York Conferences Limited (YCL), a subsidiary company of the University of York, are paid less. YCL employees include catering and retail staff.

George Norman, a University of York Quakers on Campus committee member, told the Friend: ‘We got involved because, as Quakers, we think it’s important to campaign to improve the living standards and security of everyone in our society, especially those at the bottom.’ He said the campaign hoped to hold a referendum in the students union to get them to lobby the university on the issue.


I would hope that all the campaigners will agree to increase their tuition, fees and/or donations in order that the increase in wage rates will be fully funded by those who are most vocal in their “demands”. Such funding leadership by the demanders would be most admirable and in alignment with their leadership on other fronts of a non-monetary nature!

By on 13th March 2015 - 21:39

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