Personnel records are now available online

FAU records made more accessible

Personnel records are now available online

by Tara Craig 13th March 2015

Personnel records of the Friends Ambulance Unit (FAU) in the first world war are now available online. The records are free to access and cover FAU membership between 1914 and 1919.

Information on the cards includes basic details such as name, address, date of birth, occupation, training, religion, languages spoken and next of kin. Visitors to the FAU’s website can now also read about volunteers’ service with the Unit and their reasons for joining. Most membership cards have a photograph.

The newly digitalised records include some 2,500 cards, relating to approximately 1,300 volunteers.

The online launch is the culmination of a year’s work, project manager Lisa McQuillan explained to the Friend. Lisa is records manager and deputy archivist for the Religious Society of Friends.

‘As well as being a great resource for family historians, the cards have a wealth of information for social history researchers,’ Lisa said.
Lisa added that there is scope to further develop the resource, for example by adding other types of records, such as FAU application forms.


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