Online video chat technology has allowed two Quaker schools to join together for the first time in a special Meeting for Worship. Sidcot School in Somerset and Sibford School in…
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Norway have written to new NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg, urging his organisation to play a stronger role in peace building.…
Terms of reference for a new Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) Sustainability Group were brought to Meeting for Sufferings last week. In June the Minute 36 Group had recommended that a…
A motion to recognise Palestine as a state was backed by 274 votes to 12 in the House of Commons on Monday 13 October. The motion, put forward by Labour MP Grahame Morris, urged…
The Large Meeting House at Friends House hosted its first post-refurbishment event, for Birkbeck College, on 30 September.
The Mount School in York has been awarded a prestigious national food industry award. James Goodwin, chef manager at The Mount, won the accolade of Independent School Caterer of…
Representatives of Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), who had travelled to London from every corner of Britain to meet in the George Fox Room at Friends House on Saturday 4 October,…
There has been a dramatic fall in contributions this year of some sixteen per cent from individuals and Meetings towards the work of Britain Yearly Meeting. Peter Ullathorne, BYM…
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