Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM) has adopted two new concerns These are in two areas: opposing the renewal of the UK’s nuclear weapons programme, Trident, and supporting…
Friends House Moscow (FHM) has launched a Russian-language version of its website. Information on the new site, which uses the url, includes books translated as part of…
Quakers in Bridport held an international peace vigil as part of the Week of Prayer for World Peace. The vigil took place on Saturday 18 October in the recently established Peace…
War Resisters’ International (WRI)’s nonviolence programme is at risk of closure due to a funding shortfall. The programme has been training nonviolent movements…
Banbury Quakers recently held a forum dedicated to topics such as food waste, biodiversity and the impact of poverty on children. The discussion was held at Banbury and Bicester…
The issue of modern day slavery has been raised, in a dramatic form, at Mansfield’s Meeting house. The Plain Quaker theatre project recently staged an updated version of their…
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