9th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: Central nominations committee

by Harry Albright

Christine Habgood-Coote and Terry Faull, the clerks of the central nominations committee (CNC), reported on how they are working under their new terms of reference, which were…

Reverse hustings at Reading
9th June 2017

Reverse hustings at Reading

by The Friend Newsdesk
2nd June 2017

Two housing projects to celebrate

by Harry Albright

The Quaker Housing Trust (QHT) is celebrating two projects in Tamworth, Staffordshire, and Tunbridge Wells in Kent. In 2014 QHT made a capital costs grant of £12,000, with a…

2nd June 2017

Quakers in Wales hold general election forum

by The Friend Newsdesk

Quakers from Bala, Porthmadog and Pwllheli combined to hold a general election forum in Porthmadog Community Centre on 16 May.

2nd June 2017

Draft treaty welcomed

by Harry Albright

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has welcomed a UN draft treaty to ban nuclear weapons.

2nd June 2017

Elizabeth Fry commemoration

by Harry Albright

Two of the fifty Quaker prison chaplains who continue the legacy of Elizabeth Fry today were present at a reception last week to mark 200 years since she began her vital work in…

26th May 2017

Reading Quakers to hold ‘reverse hustings’

by Harry Albright

Reading Quaker meeting house will host a ‘reverse hustings’ on 31 May from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. All but two of the parties standing candidates at the general election in the…

Friends House anniversary
26th May 2017

Friends House anniversary

by The Friend Newsdesk
26th May 2017

‘Look outwards’ urges Rowan Williams

by Harry Albright

Rowan williams, the chair of Christian Aid, has urged Britain not to turn inwards but to look outwards as the country forges a new relationship with the world.

26th May 2017

Great British Bee Count launched

by Harry Albright

Friends of the Earth (FOE) has launched its Great British Bee Count (19 May-30 June). The aim is to enable people to find out more about the bees that visit their neighbourhoods…

26th May 2017

Debt crisis deepens

by Harry Albright

Twenty-seven countries across the world are in debt crisis, up from twenty-two when the figures were last calculated in 2015, according to new figures released for World Debt Day…