The Quaker Arts Network looks at future developments

Quaker Arts Network initiative

The Quaker Arts Network looks at future developments

by Ian Kirk-Smith 12th January 2018

The Quaker Arts Network (QAN) have launched a new Facebook page.

Linda Murgatroyd, one of the founder members of QAN, has encouraged Friends who are interested in the arts to engage with it.

She explained: ‘A new Facebook page has been set up at and the e-newsletter will continue.

‘Friends are invited to post about their projects, arts events (including theatre, music and poetry) and about ways forward for Quaker arts. This could be particularly valuable given the recent demise of the Leaveners.’

At the annual general meeting of QAN in October those present reflected on the recent survey of members and the potential for collaboration across art forms.

‘There is clearly plenty of creative energy about and a wish to communicate among Friends active in the arts,’ Linda Murgatroyd said. She added: ‘This could be for explicitly spiritual, witness or outreach purposes or simply as artists who happen to be Quakers’.

She said there is a need for new Friends willing to share responsibility for QAN. At the AGM a small Holding Group was established to build on the research and threshing done and to develop proposals for the future.


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