19th May 2017

Plan to close Walden School

by Harry Albright

Trustees of Friends’ School Saffron Walden, which was rebranded last year as Walden School, are proposing to close it at the end of the summer term on 7 July. Staff and parents…

New website and branding for Woodbrooke
19th May 2017

New website and branding for Woodbrooke

by Harry Albright
19th May 2017

A quarter of Meetings say no to fossil fuels

by Harry Albright

More than a quarter of Meetings in Britain have made a commitment to no longer invest in the fossil fuel industry, Britain Yearly Meeting has announced.

19th May 2017

Catholic groups opt for more divestment

by Harry Albright

Nine Catholic organisations from around the world have announced their decision to divest their portfolios from fossil fuel companies in the largest joint Catholic divestment to…

Yellow flags over Pendle Hill
12th May 2017

Yellow flags over Pendle Hill

by Harry Albright
12th May 2017

Northern Friends Peace Board calls for North Korea de-escalation

by Harry Albright

Northern Friends Peace Board’s trustees have written to Theresa May and Boris Johnson, as well as to the leaders of the main opposition parties, urging diplomatic and…

12th May 2017

Totnes Quakers highlight concern

by Harry Albright

The silent protest against fracking held on Pendle Hill at the weekend prompted Quakers to organise other events earlier in April.

12th May 2017

Faith and the election

by Harry Albright

Faith has a central role to play in politics and the general election campaign, according to the archbishops of Canterbury and York.

12th May 2017

Election briefing on security

by Harry Albright

The Ammerdown Group, which includes Quaker Peace & Social Witness, has issued a briefing paper ahead of the general election.

12th May 2017

New exhibition launched at Friends House

by Harry Albright

An exhibition entitled ‘Making Connections: a Journey of Transformation’ was launched at Friends House on 4 May. It features a series of narrative paintings by Jill Green, of…

12th May 2017

Friends of the Earth condemn air quality plan

by Harry Albright

The government’s draft air quality plan has been branded ‘woefully inadequate’ by Friends of the Earth.