Christian campaigners disrupted an arms industry-funded event at Church House Westminster on 28 June. They blockaded the main entrance to the building, as defence secretary Michael…
Britain Yearly Meeting has responded to the recent attacks in Manchester and London with a statement urging listening and tolerance.
Friends United Meeting has appointed Adrian Moody as of head of Ramallah Friends School. He will take up his post in August, succeeding Joyce Ajlouny. She has served for thirteen…
Girls from The Mount senior school for eleven to eighteen-year-olds will be rowing the length of York’s River Ouse on Monday 3 July. Funds raised will be donated to the George…
Spaces are still available for adults wishing to attend Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering at the University of Warwick from 29 July to 5 August, it has been announced by Friends…
Christian overseas disability charity CBM UK is marking its twenty-first anniversary with the launch of a new booklet, 21 Stories, introduced by former home secretary David…
Christian Aid has welcomed the government’s recommitment to the Paris climate accord in the queen’s speech, which was delivered on 21 June.
There is a Quaker presence at the historic talks being held at the United Nations in New York to create a world free of nuclear weapons. Tim Wallis, peace and disarmament programme…
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