18th November 2011

The people’s security service

by Symon Hill

The world has its ‘first civil society intelligence agency’. That’s how the founders describe Open Briefing, an organisation set up with Quaker support.  Open Briefing…

18th November 2011

UK sends arms mission to Libya

by Symon Hill

Ministers are planning a trade mission to sell arms to the new Libyan government. The decision has been described as ‘shameless’ by the Campaign Against Arms Trade…

18th November 2011

Chancellor closes loophole

by Symon Hill

British Quakers are celebrating a campaign success following the government’s decision to close a loophole that has allowed corporations to avoid millions of pounds in…

St Paul’s Meeting for Worship
18th November 2011

St Paul’s Meeting for Worship

by The Friend Newsdesk
Friends and St Paul’s
11th November 2011

Friends and St Paul’s

by Symon Hill
London Quakers face the future
11th November 2011

London Quakers face the future

by Trish Carn
11th November 2011

Civil partnership ban to be lifted

by Symon Hill

The ban on same-sex civil partnerships taking place in religious buildings will be lifted in England and Wales on 5 December. The change in the law will not at this stage extend…

11th November 2011

Soup runs will survive

by Symon Hill

Westminster Council has withdrawn plans to criminalise rough sleeping and soup runs in an area of central London. Their decision follows months of campaigning by charities and…

Silent witness at St Paul’s
4th November 2011

Silent witness at St Paul’s

by The Friend Newsdesk
4th November 2011

Arms trade treaty needs churches to lobby together

by Symon Hill

Churches have a crucial role to play in the run-up to next year’s negotiations of a global treaty to regulate the conventional arms trade.  This was the conclusion of a…

83 year-old Quaker protester faces court
4th November 2011

83 year-old Quaker protester faces court

by Symon Hill