4th May 2012

Responsible lending

by Symon Hill

The UK government is blocking attempts at the United Nations (UN) to discuss how governments can lend and borrow responsibly. The news comes from the UN Conference on Trade and…

4th May 2012

Quaker takes the plunge

by Symon Hill

An eighty-six-year-old Quaker has completed a 170-length sponsored swim to raise funds to tackle malaria. Trevor Jaggar, of Uxbridge Meeting, was inspired to take the plunge after…

4th May 2012

The last taboo explored

by Symon Hill

Quakers in Leeds are sponsoring a conference to explore ‘the last taboo’ – death and dying.  The gathering on 12 May will explore ‘all points of view’ on the…

Quakers urged to be the change in Kenya
27th April 2012

Quakers urged to be the change in Kenya

by Symon Hill
27th April 2012

Quaker ethics inspire Christian Aid

by Symon Hill

Christian Aid have drawn on Quaker ethics in their latest report. Its author, theologian Paula Clifford, quotes Quaker faith & practice on economic and commercial ethics.

27th April 2012

Recording clerk addresses Unitarians

by Symon Hill

Quakers need to offer a ‘radical welcome’ and be confident about their own identity. That was the message from the most senior staff member of Quakers in Britain as he…

Mayoral candidates against arms fair
27th April 2012

Mayoral candidates against arms fair

by Symon Hill
27th April 2012

Christians gather for Israel-Palestine conference

by Symon Hill

A British Quaker working in Bethlehem has joined a gathering of evangelical Christians to build links in working for peace and human rights.

Redland fire
20th April 2012

Redland fire

by Symon Hill
Quakers gather in Kenya
20th April 2012

Quakers gather in Kenya

by Symon Hill
20th April 2012

Danny Dorling to deliver Salter Lecture

by Symon Hill

One of Britain’s leading writers on equality is to give the annual lecture of the Quaker Socialist Society (QSS) ahead of next month’s Yearly Meeting of British Friends.

20th April 2012

Ireland Yearly Meeting

by Ian Kirk-Smith

Ireland Yearly Meeting was held for the first time at the headquarters of Irish Quakers at Stocking Lane in Dublin.