20th April 2012

Coke in the café

by Symon Hill

Friends House have defended their decision to sell Coca Cola products in their café despite ethical concerns. The café has previously stocked alternative colas made from…

20th April 2012

Arms dealers touring with David Cameron

by Symon Hill

Senior executives from six arms companies are accompanying David Cameron on his current tour of Asia.  The prime minister has defended their presence in his delegation,…

Arms debt irony
13th April 2012

Arms debt irony

by Symon Hill
13th April 2012

Hexham challenges tax havens

by Symon Hill

Challenging tax havens must be a priority for people campaigning for economic justice. That was the message from John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network, who gave the opening…

13th April 2012

Quaker protester sentenced

by Symon Hill

Scottish Quaker Janet Fenton has been sentenced to 120 hours of community service for protesting against what she regarded as an unfair trial. Her fellow defendant, Barbara…

Pilgrimage for Justice
13th April 2012

Pilgrimage for Justice

by Symon Hill
13th April 2012

Friends Peace Teams in Asia

by Symon Hill

US-based Friends’ Peace Teams have considerably expanded their work in south-east Asia.

13th April 2012

‘Live below the line’ in London

by Symon Hill

A Quaker has brought together seven faith leaders to share a simple meal in solidarity with the world’s poorest people.

6th April 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: Advocacy strengthened

by Symon Hill

Ministers and MPs can expect to hear more from Quakers in coming years. At their meeting on 31 March, Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), the national committee of British Friends,…

6th April 2012

Meetings for Sufferings: Public statements

by Symon Hill

Public statements on behalf of Quakers look set to be issued more speedily in future. Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), the national committee of British Quakers, have resolved to…

6th April 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: Indefinite detention of migrants and asylum seekers

by Trish Carn

Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) ‘expressed its outrage at this disgraceful practice’. Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) is asked to produce a statement of behalf of MfS…

6th April 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: Public statement on economic equality

by Trish Carn

A statement on economic equality has been received from Quaker Peace & Social Witness. This is in response to Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), which minutes, in part: ‘We are…