Responses to 'A Framework for Action' were considered

Meeting for Sufferings: A Framework for Action (AFFA)

Responses to 'A Framework for Action' were considered

by Trish Carn 12th October 2012

Trustees have looked at the responses to AFFA received from Area Meetings. The trustees have recommended that AFFA not be replaced when it finishes in 2014, although they ‘do see the need for a clear statement of vision for the work of Quakers in Britain’ and also suggest ‘that Meeting for Sufferings considers conducting a periodic consideration of the main areas of concern for Quakers in Britain for use in Area Meetings, by centrally managed work and, perhaps, for outreach purposes’.

The trustees ‘undertake to consult MfS regularly over the priorities for the centrally managed work as part of the annual operational cycle, to consider other means of engaging Friends at local level with the centrally managed work done in their name, drawing on the services of the newly constituted Communication and Services Department; and to consider how further to integrate Friends’ wider concerns into the centrally managed work, and how local initiatives might be supported more effectively.’

This will be taken to the February 2013 residential meeting of MfS. The role of BYM trustees and of Meeting for Sufferings, following a request for their clarification, will also be considered at the residential meeting.


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