Youth Work conference to take place at Woodbrooke

Youth work conference

Youth Work conference to take place at Woodbrooke

by The Friend Newsdesk 21st September 2012

The role of children in Quakerism is one of the topics to be addressed in the forthcoming Quaker Youth Work conference at Woodbrooke in Birmingham.

The conference is organised by the Leaveners, Quaker Life and Young Friends General Meeting and will be held at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre on Saturday 3 November.

The day will include discussions on ‘Where is God in Quaker youth work?’ and ‘Quaker children’s work – education or liberation?

Lauren Parkes, of the Leaveners, stressed that the event was an opportunity to share issues, ideas and resources.
She said: ‘We really hope that a wide range of people come, not only those whose job it is to work, professionally, with young people, but also volunteers. People volunteer to work with young people at Local and Area Meeting all over the country and we would love to see them.’

Lauren added: ‘We are linking up with the Children and Young People’s Advocates Conference. It’s a great opportunity for people to meet and we are looking forward to hearing Paul Parker.’

The recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting, Paul Parker, will speak on ‘The role of children and young people in Britain Yearly Meeting – an All Age Society’.


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