29th June 2012

Harlow Meeting celebrate fifty years in their building

by Symon Hill

A folk band will be among the visitors to Harlow Meeting house on Sunday 1 July, when Friends celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the building. Rebecca and Dave Blackman, of the…

New Quaker voices in Brussels
22nd June 2012

New Quaker voices in Brussels

by The Friend Newsdesk
22nd June 2012

Call to ban Israeli settlement goods

by The Friend Newsdesk

Christian Aid and Quakers in Britain have united to urge the UK government to impose a ban on the import of Israeli settlement products.  They told a parliamentary briefing…

22nd June 2012

Unitarians highlight civil liberties concern

by The Friend Newsdesk

Unitarians in Britain have called on religious and faith leaders to join them in highlighting the dangers to civil liberties of the Draft Communications Data Bill.  The…

22nd June 2012

Advocacy in Scotland

by The Friend Newsdesk

The growing legislative power of the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh has prompted Quakers in Scotland to develop their work in advocacy.  General Meeting for Scotland has…

Stevenage Meeting takes direct hit
15th June 2012

Stevenage Meeting takes direct hit

by The Friend Newsdesk
100 days of peace launched
15th June 2012

100 days of peace launched

by The Friend Newsdesk
15th June 2012

Kingston Quakers promote dialogue

by The Friend Newsdesk

The Kingston Quaker and Jewish Dialogue Group is continuing its work to promote dialogue and reconciliation.  A UK Friends of the Bereaved Families Forum, hosted by the…

Friends witness at Faslane
15th June 2012

Friends witness at Faslane

by The Friend Newsdesk
15th June 2012

European Quakers condemn Eurosatory

by The Friend Newsdesk

Quakers in Belgium and Luxembourg have condemned the Eurosatory arms fair being held this week in Paris.  The biennial arms fair is one of the largest in the world and…

15th June 2012

Rowntree Trust wins major award

by The Friend Newsdesk

A prestigious international prize for innovative philanthropy has been awarded to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT).  The prize was given in Belfast on 8 June at the…

8th June 2012

Welsh Quakers work to end military recruitment in schools

by The Friend Newsdesk

Quakers in Wales have joined with MPs, peace activists and other faith groups to call for an end to military recruitment in Welsh schools.  The campaign was launched in…