27th July 2012

Young Quakers to explore politics

by The Friend Newsdesk

Young Quakers are planning to explore politics and activism at a weekend gathering in London this summer. The event, aimed mainly at Quakers aged 18-40, will take place at…

27th July 2012

JRF and JRHT look for trustees

by Trish Carn

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) are looking for new trustees. Trustees are selected by a joint search group of Meeting for…

27th July 2012

Refurbishment gets planning permission

by Elinor Smallman

The refurbishment of Friends House, London, was granted planning permission by the London Borough of Camden on 19 July.

QAAD conference
20th July 2012

QAAD conference

by Symon Hill
20th July 2012

Symon Hill leaves the Friend

by Elinor Smallman

Symon Hill will be leaving the Friend for pastures new this week. Symon has been the news reporter for the Friend for over two-and-a-half years, providing invaluable coverage of…

20th July 2012

Cost of living increases as incomes decline

by Symon Hill

The income needed for a ‘minimum standard of living’ in the UK has risen by nearly a third in four years – just as average incomes for lower earners have declined.

20th July 2012

Sidcot School reaches out

by Symon Hill

The headteacher of a Quaker private school has said that one way its Quaker ethos is demonstrated is through a new project that introduces local children to horse riding.

20th July 2012

Quaker Youth Pilgrimage

by Symon Hill

Twenty-five young Quakers from around the world have arrived in England to begin this year’s international Quaker Youth Pilgrimage. Friends aged 16-18 will spend a month…

20th July 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: The Skyspace

by Ian Kirk-Smith

An Area Meeting, in the wake of the decision not to proceed with the James Turrell ‘Skyspace’ at Friends House, has requested that the terms of reference of Britain Yearly…

13th July 2012

Synod votes on EAPPI

by Symon Hill

A Quaker-run programme has been backed by the Church of England following a heated debate at its General Synod.  On the afternoon of Monday 9 July, the synod passed a motion…

13th July 2012

Natural History Museum hosts arms dealers

by Symon Hill

The Natural History Museum in London faced protests on Monday evening as it hosted a reception for arms dealers attending the Farnborough arms fair in Hampshire.

13th July 2012

Fresh hope for marriage campaign

by Symon Hill

Nick Clegg has appeared to contradict the policy of his own government by suggesting that faith groups should be allowed to carry out legally recognised same sex marriages. David…