23rd November 2012

Quaker statement on Gaza

by The Friend Newsdesk

Quakers in Britain have called for an immediate end to the use of force by all parties in Gaza.  A statement, signed by Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly…

23rd November 2012

Inter Faith Week challenge to build friendships

by The Friend Newsdesk

David Urquhart, bishop of Birmingham, has issued a community challenge for national Inter Faith Week urging people of different faiths to build friendships and challenge…

23rd November 2012

Prisons Week 2012

by The Friend Newsdesk

Prisons Week 2012, which runs between 18 and 24 November, will be highlighting important issues of concern to prisoners in all parts of Britain.

23rd November 2012

Catholic Church endorses Living Wage

by The Friend Newsdesk

The Catholic Church has endorsed the Living Wage ahead of the forthcoming Church of England debate on the subject.

23rd November 2012

Charity highlights tax dodging

by The Friend Newsdesk

Christian Aid has urged the government to help Pakistan boost its disastrously low tax revenues by breaking down global financial secrecy and helping the country get information…

Quakers join John Lewis protest
23rd November 2012

Quakers join John Lewis protest

by The Friend Newsdesk
16th November 2012

Meeting in Ethiopia

by The Friend Newsdesk

A Scottish Quaker intends to introduce the Quaker way of worship to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.  Peter Cheer, a member of Perth Meeting East Scotland, who is currently on a…

16th November 2012

Report highlights concern in Colombia

by The Friend Newsdesk

Plans for a massive expansion of Colombia’s mining industry could have serious implications for human rights violations, environmental damage and lost tax revenues, a new report…

White poppy events in Wales
16th November 2012

White poppy events in Wales

by The Friend Newsdesk
16th November 2012

Waldo Williams

by The Friend Newsdesk

The distinguished Welsh Quaker poet Waldo Williams was the subject of a special Remembrance Day programme on BBC Radio Wales.  The programme used extracts from a talk given…

16th November 2012

Quarterly Coup

by The Friend Newsdesk

The Friends Quarterly, sister publication of The Friend, has managed something of a journalistic ‘coup’ in featuring an article by Justin Welby in the current edition. …

Peace Centre demolished
9th November 2012

Peace Centre demolished

by Symon Hill