13th July 2012

Churches condemn drone attacks

by Symon Hill

Two of the UK’s largest churches have voted to condemn targeted attacks on individuals by unmanned aerial vehicles, known as drones. The news follows several drone attacks on…

13th July 2012

Hall Green Quakers greet Olympic torch

by Symon Hill

Several Birmingham Quakers got up at 5am on a recent Sunday morning to make sure the tea and coffee were ready – for people greeting the Olympic torch.

A different kind of Pride
13th July 2012

A different kind of Pride

by Sarah Dodgson
13th July 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: A new chapter

by Ian Kirk-Smith

The silence was settled. Friends had come from every corner of Britain.  They were gathered in worship in the George Fox room at Friends House.  A Friend rose. She…

13th July 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: Roles and responsibilities

by Ian Kirk-Smith

Meeting for Sufferings was told of the distinctly different roles and responsibilities of MfS and BYM trustees.  Jonathan Fox, in his report on the work of Britain Yearly…

13th July 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: The crisis in Syria

by Ian Kirk-Smith

Marigold Bentley, of Quaker Peace and Social Witness, addressed Meeting for Sufferings on when and how it was best for Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) to speak out on an issue. …

13th July 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting reflections

by Ian Kirk-Smith

The recent Yearly Meeting at Friends House was described at Meeting for Sufferings as a ‘beautiful weekend’ and ‘reflective’.  Penny Vernon, in giving a personal…

Meeting for Sufferings: New clerk of BYM trustees
13th July 2012

Meeting for Sufferings: New clerk of BYM trustees

by Ian Kirk-Smith
Quaker addresses Methodists
6th July 2012

Quaker addresses Methodists

by Symon Hill
6th July 2012

Christians need to be open to change

by Symon Hill

The new president and the vice-president of the Methodist Conference have said that Christians need to be more open to change and to welcome people as they are. They were speaking…

6th July 2012

Commemoration prompts controversy

by Symon Hill

The commemoration given to Bomber Command last week, and the unveiling of a memorial statue in Green Park, London, has prompted controversy.  Thousands of poppies were…

6th July 2012

Pilgrims reach Canterbury

by Symon Hill

Quakers were among a group of pilgrims who have walked from London to Canterbury as a witness against economic injustice.  Around thirty-five supporters of Occupy Faith – a…