Friends House Hospitality has been awarded a Good Chicken Award by Compassion in World Farming (CiWF). This award recognises the steps that the company have taken to ensure that…
Quakers in Aotearoa New Zealand agreed at their recent Yearly Meeting to withdraw funds from the four main Australian-owned banks because of their investment in fossil…
Olympic silver medallist rower Gillian Lindsay has been appointed by The Mount School in York as their new director of sport and wellbeing. Gillian was a national champion…
A concern over the number of younger Friends asking for early release from Central Nominations Committee (CNC) was raised at Meeting for Sufferings.
It was proposed at Meeting for Sufferings that a new Canterbury Commitment Group be formed to take up the work of the Minute 36 (Canterbury) Commitment Group. The group, it…
A very positive note was sounded by Jennifer Barraclough, clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees, when she spoke to Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) of the work of the…
The diverse work and witness of the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) was reported to Meeting for Sufferings. Sarah Coote, Britain Yearly Meeting representative to…
Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) agreed to recommend the setting up of a small short term review group to consider the status of informal groups within Quakers in Britain. …
Friends at Meeting for Sufferings welcomed news of a Quaker initiative on Ukraine. The situation in the country was considered at the annual meeting of Friends World…
Quaker actor and director Mark Coleman and Glasgow Friends are marking next week’s Refugee Week with a production of Ariel Dorfman’s Speak Truth to Power. The play will…
The Clonard Reconciliation Mission joined South Belfast Friends for a Meeting for Worship on Sunday 1 June. The group, from West Belfast’s Clonard Monastery, are known as…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench