Author explains ‘Quakernomics’ to Ipswich Friends
Quaker Week events at Ipswich included a talk on 'Quakernomics'
The role of Quakers in developing an ethical capitalism over the past three centuries was the subject of a talk by Mike King, author of the recently published book Quakernomics, held at Ipswich Meeting during Quaker Week.
He also discussed his book Luminous – the spiritual life on film. This talk was accompanied by clips of some of Mike’s sixty ‘must see’ films featuring an element of spirituality. The reception was so enthusiastic that the audience now plans to run a monthly film club showing more of the films recommended by Mike, Ipswich Meeting told the Friend.
Quaker Week events at Ipswich also included a concert by pianist Andrew Sterling, a former student of Olivier Messiaen. Andrew gave what he called a ‘talking concert’, where he explained the music to his audience. His performance ranged in genre from classical, jazz, soul and baroque to improvisation and Andrew’s own compositions.