30th May 2014

Brighthelm URC follows Quaker lead

by Tara Craig

A Brighton United Reformed church congregation has become the first in the UK to disinvest from fossil fuels.  The decision by Brighthelm United Reformed Church ties in with…

New China Convoy exhibition
30th May 2014

New China Convoy exhibition

by Tara Craig
White Feather Diaries project launched
23rd May 2014

White Feather Diaries project launched

by Ian Kirk-Smith
Relatives remember COs
23rd May 2014

Relatives remember COs

by Ian Kirk-Smith
23rd May 2014

‘Day to remember’ at Friends House

by Ian Kirk-Smith

David Blake, head of library and archives of Friends House Library, described 15 May as a ‘day to remember’ when he introduced an event in the afternoon to launch two books on…

23rd May 2014

Quakers at Burghfield blockade

by Tara Craig

Quakers were among an eight-strong group of protesters who blocked a main entrance into the Atomics Weapons Establishment (AWE) in Burghfield, Berkshire, on Monday 19 May. …

Adam Clarke is new Leaveners’ director
16th May 2014

Adam Clarke is new Leaveners’ director

by The Friend Newsdesk
16th May 2014

Blue plaque for John Henry Barlow

by The Friend Newsdesk

Birmingham City Council will be erecting a blue plaque to the memory of John Henry Barlow on 17 June.  John is being commemorated for his contribution to peace, his work with…

16th May 2014

Death of Quaker poet

by The Friend Newsdesk

The distinguished Quaker poet Gerard Benson has died at the age of 83. Gerard was well-known as a driving force behind the popular ‘Poems on the Underground’ scheme, which was…

American Quakers highlight environmental destruction
16th May 2014

American Quakers highlight environmental destruction

by The Friend Newsdesk
Mansfield Friends open 1647 Garden of Reflection
16th May 2014

Mansfield Friends open 1647 Garden of Reflection

by The Friend Newsdesk
9th May 2014

Change at Newtown

by The Friend Newsdesk

Newtown School in Waterford, one of Ireland’s oldest Quaker schools, has become the latest minority faith school in the country to enter the Free Education scheme.  The…