16th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: More that unites than divides

by The Friend Newsdesk

The remit of the Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR) was described as ‘absolutely huge’ by Stephanie Grant, a member of the body, at Meeting for…

16th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: Funding position is ‘comfortable’

by The Friend Newsdesk

Funding for the Religious Society of Friends remains in a ‘relatively comfortable position’, Meeting for Sufferings heard.

16th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: Publicising the activities of Young Friends

by The Friend Newsdesk

Tim Rouse, trustee and management officer of Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM), presented a report on the activities of young adult Friends in the past year. YFGM’s main…

16th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: British Friends visit to Dublin

by The Friend Newsdesk

Meeting for Sufferings, on 3 June, heard of a visit held on 6 May by representatives of Britain Yearly Meeting to Quaker House in Dublin where they met with representatives of…

Quakers welcome new MPs
16th June 2017

Quakers welcome new MPs

by The Friend Newsdesk
16th June 2017

Building a culture of sanctuary

by The Friend Newsdesk

Quakers in Britain have announced a packed programme of events to mark Refugee Week on 19-25 June. A highlight will be the visit of internationally acclaimed authors to Friends…

QSA marks 150 years
16th June 2017

QSA marks 150 years

by The Friend Newsdesk
9th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: Setting priorities

by Harry Albright

Is Meeting for Sufferings fulfilling its role in setting priorities for the centrally managed work, or has it abdicated that task to trustees and other bodies?

9th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: Engaging with ‘Our Faith in the Future’

by George Osgerby

Our Faith in the Future is a word picture of what Quakers in the UK to would like the Religious Society of Friends to be in the future. In September 2015 the document was accepted…

9th June 2017

Meeting for Sufferings: Central nominations committee

by Harry Albright

Christine Habgood-Coote and Terry Faull, the clerks of the central nominations committee (CNC), reported on how they are working under their new terms of reference, which were…

Reverse hustings at Reading
9th June 2017

Reverse hustings at Reading

by The Friend Newsdesk