Heritage boost for Pendle Hill
Quakers are assisting in a partnership aimed at reconnecting local people with Pendle Hill
Pendle Hill Area Meeting is assisting in a partnership aimed at reconnecting local people with Pendle Hill, where George Fox had a vision of ‘a great people to be gathered’ in 1652.
The Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership has secured £1.8 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a four-year programme of heritage activity based on and around the iconic hill.
Ben Pink Dandelion, a member of Clitheroe Meeting and correspondence clerk for Pendle Hill Area Meeting, told the Friend: ‘Pendle Hill is a significant local landmark where lots of people go walking, but, at the moment, most are not making the connection with the hill and Quakerism. But the partnership is very keen to include the Quaker heritage.’
According to Ben Pink Dandelion, around four key information points will mention Friends and George Fox. He said: ‘One includes Fox’s Well, which… was where Fox had a vision of seeing a great gathering. We hope to have a notice talking about the Quaker history when you lift up the latch.’
The Area Meeting will be helping with the wording. Other plans include creating an archaeological excavation looking for evidence of the real Malkin Tower, a place associated with witches, and setting up three artists in residence to work on local projects. Footpaths will also be upgraded with a special walkers seat and panorama on the summit of Pendle Hill.
Sue Bowers, HLF deputy director of operations, said: ‘Pendle Hill is famous for its eerie past and tales of the witch trials. This project is designed to open up, preserve and share other parts of the area’s incredible heritage, including the founding of the Quaker movement by George Fox.’