A play set partly in the world of the seventeenth century Digger movement is presently touring Quaker Meeting houses in Britain.
Paul Parker, the recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting, spoke about the broader role of communications from Friends House. All of the speaking out, he explained, is done on…
Meeting for Sufferings, held at Manchester Meeting House on Mount Street on Saturday 7 October, was asked, as part of the ongoing work on forced migration, to approve a…
At Meeting for Sufferings representatives were asked to reflect on their experience of the Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG) held at the University of Warwick in August, whether they…
The issue of diversity within the Religious Society of Friends was raised at Meeting for Sufferings. A paragraph of Yearly Meeting’s Minute 38 was sent to Meeting for Sufferings…
A minute sent by Yearly Meeting was considered by Meeting for Sufferings. Minute 23 asked Sufferings to undertake a review of the Committee on Clerks, specifically of their…
Helen Drewery talked about the annual report of Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW).
Three peace protestors, including Hull Quaker Sam Donaldson, have been ‘admonished’ by a Scottish court after taking part in a nonviolent blockade of the UK’s nuclear weapons…
Friends joined for a Quaker Meeting for Worship on Saturday 14 October and stood in solidarity with all those who had suffered from the Grenfell Tower fire.
A very full agenda, which covered subjects as diverse as ‘speaking out’ in Britain to peace work in East Africa, was dealt with at Meeting for Sufferings held at Friends…
A paper addressing concerns raised by Cambridgeshire Area Meeting about use of the phrase ‘Quakers in Britain’ was prepared by the Recording Clerk’s Office for Meeting for…
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