24th August 2018

Working party set up for Indian march

by Rebecca Hardy

A working party of Quakers and others has been set up to look at ways in which Friends in the UK can be involved in an international march campaigning for Sustainable Development…

24th August 2018

Elizabeth Fry is one of ‘100 women who changed the world’

by Rebecca Hardy

Elizabeth Fry, the leading Quaker prison reformer, has made it onto a list of the ‘100 Women Who Changed the World’.

Ada Salter Garden opened
24th August 2018

Ada Salter Garden opened

by Rebecca Hardy
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day vigils
17th August 2018

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day vigils

by Rebecca Hardy
17th August 2018

QARN backs refugee status call

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) has welcomed a suggestion made by MP Kate Green to extend the twenty-eight-day period between a person being given refugee status and…

17th August 2018

QCEA report on ‘anti-migrant hate-speech’

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has published a report on what it describes as a ‘call to action against the tide of anti-migrant hate-speech in Europe today’.

17th August 2018

Quaker A-level class in ‘The Peace Movement’

by Rebecca Hardy

The third lesson in the joint Pax Christi/Quakers in Britain Religious Studies A-Level series has been published.

17th August 2018

Tokyo students visit Quaker heartland

by Rebecca Hardy

A group of Japanese students from Friends School Tokyo stayed at Woodbrooke this month to learn about Quaker history.

17th August 2018

Alastair McIntosh gives High Profile interview

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker activist and academic Alastair McIntosh gave an interview on the High Profile website about the influence of his spirituality on his work.

Asylum seekers’ day with Friends
17th August 2018

Asylum seekers’ day with Friends

by Rebecca Hardy
17th August 2018

‘Conchies’ play opens at Edinburgh Fringe

by Rebecca Hardy

A play based on a Lincolnshire pacifist community that included several Quakers who grew up around the villages of Holton-cum-Beckering and Legsby, opened at the Edinburgh Fringe…