13th July 2018

Friends gather in Norway

by Rebecca Hardy

Nearly ninety Friends gathered in Norway to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the Europe and Middle East Section (EMES) of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC).…

13th July 2018

Bayard Rustin

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker and black civil rghts activist Bayard Rustin, who was a close associate of Martin Luther King and an advocate of gay and lesbian rights, had a commemorative plaque…

6th July 2018

‘Peace tree’ at WWI centenary event

by Rebecca Hardy

A ‘Tree for Peace’ adopted by Friends is to play a key role in a world war one centenary event in Woodbridge, bringing together Quakers and members of the Royal British Legion…

More Glasgow arms fairs are ruled out
6th July 2018

More Glasgow arms fairs are ruled out

by Rebecca Hardy
6th July 2018

Young Friends address ‘Economy Now’

by Rebecca Hardy

Young Friends gathered last week for a day of conversation and workshops to explore how today’s economy works.  The ‘Young Quakers: New Economy Now’ event was held on 30…

6th July 2018

QCA plans research into Quaker centre food

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) is researching the provision of plant-based diets in Quaker centres overseas and in the UK.

6th July 2018

Exhibition to mark war’s end

by Rebecca Hardy

The Library of the Religious Society of Friends has contributed material to an exhibition to mark the centenary of the ending of world war one.

6th July 2018

‘Naked Dietician’ on stage

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker and former NHS worker performed a one-woman ‘spoken word’ show last month exploring the links between political and social factors and poor diet. Raise the Roof by…

6th July 2018

‘Shadow World’ talk

by Rebecca Hardy

Brighton Quakers hosted a showing of the film Shadow World last week. Speakers included the director, Andrew Feinstein, who took part in a question and answer session.

Friends act on animal rights
29th June 2018

Friends act on animal rights

by Rebecca Hardy
29th June 2018

New approaches to national security

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends House in London hosted a conference last week to explore new and current approaches to national security. ‘Rethinking Security’ on 15 June brought together a wide range…

29th June 2018

Historical Society’s journal goes digital

by Rebecca Hardy

The Journal of the Friends Historical Society has been digitised after a two-year process that involved transferring hundreds of pages of text from printed issues. The publication,…