6th July 2018

‘Naked Dietician’ on stage

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker and former NHS worker performed a one-woman ‘spoken word’ show last month exploring the links between political and social factors and poor diet. Raise the Roof by…

6th July 2018

‘Shadow World’ talk

by Rebecca Hardy

Brighton Quakers hosted a showing of the film Shadow World last week. Speakers included the director, Andrew Feinstein, who took part in a question and answer session.

Friends act on animal rights
29th June 2018

Friends act on animal rights

by Rebecca Hardy
29th June 2018

New approaches to national security

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends House in London hosted a conference last week to explore new and current approaches to national security. ‘Rethinking Security’ on 15 June brought together a wide range…

29th June 2018

Historical Society’s journal goes digital

by Rebecca Hardy

The Journal of the Friends Historical Society has been digitised after a two-year process that involved transferring hundreds of pages of text from printed issues. The publication,…

29th June 2018

Successful Refugee Week concludes with ‘These Walls Must Fall’

by Rebecca Hardy

Four hundred people gathered at Friends House, London, last week for a high-profile arts event after a lively and successful Refugee Week.

29th June 2018

Bath Quakers run End of Life course

by Rebecca Hardy

A group of Bath Friends have created a course to explore End of Life Matters (ELM). Hazel Mitchell, from Bath Meeting, told the Friend: ‘There was a feeling among the group that…

29th June 2018

New book launched

by Rebecca Hardy

A book called The Conscientous Objector’s Wife was launched at the Quaker Centre Bookshop at Friends House this week. The book is a collection of letters between English…

22nd June 2018

Refugee Week: words, music, resistance

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers up and down the country have been engaged in events to highlight Refugee Week. Friends have hosted and organised a range of arts, cultural and social events to mark the…

22nd June 2018

Friends voice fears over army adverts

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have spoken out about the British army’s recent recruitment drive that targeted ‘stressed and vulnerable’ sixteen-year-olds on and around GCSE results day.