1st June 2018

QAN draw in more members

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Arts Network (QAN) have said that their membership is on the increase. More than 300 people, including poets, musicians, actors and artists, are now members of the…

1st June 2018

Letter to foreign secretary

by Rebecca Hardy

The Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) is one of thirty organisations that have signed an open letter to the foreign secretary Boris Johnson that calls on the UK to take action on…

25th May 2018

Protest at BAE Systems AGM

by Rebecca Hardy

Three Friends engaged in bold acts of protest this month as witness to their Quaker peace testimonies. Sam Walton, from South London Area Meeting, was thrown out of the BAE Systems…

25th May 2018

QSA backs training for end-of life care

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) representatives attended the University Hospitals of the North Midlands (UHNM) conference in Stoke last week in a bid to push their new in-house training…

25th May 2018

North London Friends host refugee play

by Rebecca Hardy

Tottenham Quakers presented a play based on a real asylum seeker’s story as part of their commitment to welcome people needing sanctuary. The Bundle, performed by the Journeymen…

25th May 2018

Plan to ease ‘hostility’

by Rebecca Hardy

Tim Gee, of the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network, shared the Sanctuary Everywhere Manifesto with Christian Today magazine.

25th May 2018

Ride for the welfare state’s most vulnerable

by Rebecca Hardy

The group of Quakers taking part in a national cycle ride from Swarthmoor Hall to Ten Downing Street hope more Friends will join those already participating.

25th May 2018

MEP looks to the future

by Rebecca Hardy

Ikley Friends in Yorkshire invited Quaker Jude Kirton-Darling, the MEP for the North East of England, to address a public meeting at Ilkley Grammar School on the subject of…

25th May 2018

Quaker Business Method

by Rebecca Hardy

Peter Cheng, a Friend, talked about the Quaker Business Method on 3 May in Birmingham and explained why it may produce better and more ethical decisions.

Friends in Cambridge hold vigil for peace
25th May 2018

Friends in Cambridge hold vigil for peace

by Rebecca Hardy
Friends stitch tapestry
18th May 2018

Friends stitch tapestry

by Rebecca Hardy
Supper for Syrian refugees
18th May 2018

Supper for Syrian refugees

by Rebecca Hardy