19th April 2019

Friends at ‘United We Stand’ conference

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends were present at a one-day conference in Wales designed to bring together organisations working with diverse communities in Wales to help create a united stance.

19th April 2019

QSA helps Guardian cover funeral poverty

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) was involved in a video shown on The Guardian website last week highlighting the misery of funeral poverty. The film covers the harrowing journey of…

19th April 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting financial report

by Rebecca Hardy

Linda Batten, treasurer of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), presented the accounts from the financial report for the year ending 31 December 2018 at Meeting for Sufferings on 6 April.

Quakers welcome end to five-year fracking dispute
12th April 2019

Quakers welcome end to five-year fracking dispute

by Rebecca Hardy
12th April 2019

Quaker-inspired co-housing project

by Rebecca Hardy

A radical housing project inspired by Quaker principles is being set up in the south west of England.

12th April 2019

Petition against thanksgiving service for sea deterrents

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends have joined other Christians in condemning a service at Westminster Abbey to mark fifty years of the UK having nuclear weapons at sea.

12th April 2019

Quaker MEP calls for Vote Leave ministers to go

by Rebecca Hardy

Molly Scott Cato MEP has renewed her call for the ministers behind the Vote Leave campaign to be sacked. The demand came after the campaign group dropped its appeal against the…

12th April 2019

‘This Evil Thing’ to mark CO release centenary

by Rebecca Hardy

The playwright Michael Mears, of Wandsworth Meeting, is staging his play This Evil Thing to mark the centenary of the first release of conscientious objectors (COs) from prison.

12th April 2019

Quakers to welcome worldwide Friends to Yearly Meeting

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker World Relations Committee (QWRC) has invited Quakers from other parts of the world family to Britain Yearly Meeting 2019. Lee Taylor told the Friend that this year it…

12th April 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Diversity and inclusion discussed

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers were asked if they were ‘up for the challenge’ of addressing the issues of inclusion and diversity at Meeting for Sufferings on 6 April. Speaking about her work as…

12th April 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Vibrancy in Meetings project reviewed

by Joseph Jones

In the afternoon session representatives looked at potential next steps for the Vibrancy in Meetings programme. Along with a summary project review from the National Council for…

5th April 2019

Friends welcome cross-party call to stop arming Saudi

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have welcomed the news that five opposition parties have called for the British government to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia. The letter signed by leaders of the Labour…