A representative from London Quakers met Elizabeth II last month at a Buckingham Palace reception to celebrate the work of faith groups promoting community cohesion.
Friends took part in a global gathering of Mennonites in the Netherlands last month. The event, which takes place every three years, focused on migration, peace, gender-justice and…
Manchester Friends hosted a poetry event last week to mark the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo massacre, where tens of thousands of people demonstrating for parliamentary reform…
London Quakers marked Windrush Day by joining with the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) and members of Britain Yearly Meeting’s (BYM’s) Sanctuary Meetings programme to…
A Quaker-supported sculpture that grew out of a concern about noncombatant war memorials is being exhibited for the first time in a military location.
Fifteen Friends from ten different countries came together at Canadian Yearly Meeting’s Camp NeeKauNis in Toronto last month for the annual week-long gathering of the Friends…
The July Meeting for Sufferings (MfS)began with a reading from Grigor McClelland’s 1976 contribution to Quaker faith & practice: ‘What is important is that institutions and…
One of Meeting for Sufferings representatives’ tasks is to review Yearly Meetings (YMs). A wider survey of YMs will take place in October, so Friends reported on their…
Meeting for Sufferings received two submissions on gender diversity: a minutes from Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM) and an initial statement from Quaker Life Central…
‘Proceed with caution’ seemed to be the message to Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees in the ‘Support for Meetings – beyond the Vibrancy pilot’ session. The afternoon…
Quakers were asked to consider whether the definition of an attender for sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds should be changed for the annual Tabular Statement. This discussion was…
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