10th May 2019

QCA hails move from livestock farming

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) group has praised the ‘small but growing number’ of farmers who are turning their back on livestock farming to embrace plant horticulture. 

10th May 2019

Bideford Meeting fire

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends from Bideford Meeting in Devon have asked Quakers to hold them in the light after a fire broke out at its Meeting house.

10th May 2019

Huddersfield Friends start climate vigil

by Rebecca Hardy

Huddersfield Friends have started a monthly ‘climate disruption’ vigil after what they describe as a ‘surge of interest’ from non-Quakers following the Extinction Rebellion…

10th May 2019

Young Friends gather in Liverpool

by Rebecca Hardy

Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM) came together last week for a weekend of spirituality, Business Meetings and shared worship. The gathering at Liverpool Meeting House from 3 to…

10th May 2019

Bath Friends support Hebron network

by Rebecca Hardy

Bath Quakers have agreed to support the Hebron International Resources Network (HIRN) with the intention of helping girls attend school.

10th May 2019

London Quakers decide to provide childcare

by Rebecca Hardy

London Quakers have taken the policy decision to provide childcare at all their daytime conferences and meetings. Fred Ashmore told the Friend: ‘It’s in the interests of…

3rd May 2019

Quaker in London Stock Exchange action

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends continued their support of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) demonstrations across London last week with a range of protests that included blockading roads and targeting the…

3rd May 2019

Friends set out the future of London Quaker structures

by Rebecca Hardy

London Quakers (LQ) and the London Quaker Property Trust (LQPT) met last week to discuss proposals to form a single charity to govern Meetings in the capital.

3rd May 2019

Quaker MP calls for end to criminalising homeless

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Homeless Action (QHA) has welcomed a Quaker MP’s call for an end to what she describes as ‘the criminalisation of homeless people’.

3rd May 2019

Quaker publishes book on interspecies bond

by Rebecca Hardy

A Friend from Clun Valley Meeting and member of Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) has written an illustrated book that touches on the deep human-animal bond that can be accessed…

3rd May 2019

Lecture on Quaker testimonies in ‘turbulent times’

by Rebecca Hardy

A former Friends House employee suggested two more Quaker testimonies in a far-ranging lecture she gave to Southern Africa Yearly Meeting. Helen Vale, of the Namibia Quaker…