3rd May 2019

Peacebuilding playlist on YouTube

by Rebecca Hardy

A Britain Yearly Meeting employee has put together a playlist of over seventy YouTube videos that focus on the themes of peacebuilding and nonviolence.

3rd May 2019

QSA celebrates money project for struggling families

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) presented the findings from its financial wellbeing project ‘Get Set’ at the end of March, which was set up for Islington families. The event on 28…

3rd May 2019

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to ‘significantly increase grant spending’

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust has announced plans to significantly increase its grant spending by over £3 million per year in a drive to step up its work and widen…

Friends flock for Extinction Rebellion protest
26th April 2019

Friends flock for Extinction Rebellion protest

by Rebecca Hardy
26th April 2019

Greta Thunberg comes to Friends House

by Rebecca Hardy

There were long queues to Friends House last week when Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) hosted the Swedish climate activist and Nobel Prize nominee Greta Thunberg as part of its…

26th April 2019

Quakers in Criminal Justice call for end of ‘war on drugs’

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quakers in Criminal Justice (QICJ) group has called for British Quakers to help put an end to the UK’s damaging ‘war on drugs’ policy. The minute was discerned at a…

26th April 2019

‘Zombie’ legal fight ends after eight years

by Rebecca Hardy

Two Quaker parents from Muswell Hill Meeting saw their adult daughter lose an eight-year legal fight against her pre-emptive arrest during 2011’s royal wedding.

26th April 2019

Plans to scrap ‘no fault evictions’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have welcomed the government’s announcement that it will consider ditching ‘no-fault evictions’ in a ground-breaking overhaul of ‘renters rights’.

26th April 2019

Talk on early Quaker feminist

by Rebecca Hardy

A leading Quaker feminist and social activist born more than 250 years ago was the subject of a talk at the Bruce Castle Museum in north London. Local history researcher Margaret…

Quaker bares all in House of Commons
19th April 2019

Quaker bares all in House of Commons

by Rebecca Hardy
19th April 2019

BYM renews call for state of Palestine to be recognised

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has reaffirmed its 2014 call to the UK government to ‘honour its commitment to the two-state solution and recognise the state of Palestine without…

19th April 2019

Quaker exhibition in Brussels on migrant women

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers and Action for Women are holding an exhibition of photographic portraits of, and taken by, migrant women inside the European institutions. The SEEN exhibition is being…