Bath Meeting House. Photo: Courtesy of Kate Macdonald.

Friends in Bath have shared a new scheme to help Friends who fid sit difficult to attend Meetings

Bath Friends share ‘postal worship’

Friends in Bath have shared a new scheme to help Friends who fid sit difficult to attend Meetings

by Rebecca Hardy 31st January 2020

Bath Quakers shared a new scheme this New Year aimed at connecting Friends who find it difficult to attend Meetings. The ‘postal worship sharing’ system works by circles of five people mailing pictures and words to each other designed to encourage spiritual reflection.

Organiser Katie Evans told the Friend that she got the idea ‘from a friend with severe ME who created a circle journal for sharing spiritual practices’. She said: ‘This is the second time we’ve done postal worship sharing and at the moment there are twelve Friends taking part. It’s a good way for us to get to know each other and for Friends who can’t get to Meeting for Worship in person to be involved.’

The system works by everyone in the circle choosing their own ‘starter’ image – ‘anything you can use as a focus for prayer, meditation or reflection’. Each person then sends their ‘starters’ on to the next person in the circle, who then keeps it for about a month, ‘spending some time worshipfully reflecting’ on it. The starter is then posted on to the next person, with the option of adding their own response.


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