Quaker author shortlisted for prestigious award
5th April 2019

Quaker author shortlisted for prestigious award

by Rebecca Hardy
5th April 2019

Alastair McIntosh considers the future of Christianity

by Rebecca Hardy

Pendle Hill Friends were among an audience of around seventy who came to hear Quaker ecologist and writer Alastair McIntosh ask the question: ‘Does Christianity still matter, and…

5th April 2019

Quakers organise for arms fair protest

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends gathered at a meeting of the Quaker group Roots of Resistance to plan action against the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair in September.

5th April 2019

Winchmore Hill interfaith art display to ‘celebrate diversity’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers at Winchmore Hill Meeting House have invited other local faith groups to share their ‘Reflections on the Sacred’ for an interfaith art exhibition aimed at bringing…

5th April 2019

Vibrancy in Meetings gets independent evaluation

by Rebecca Hardy

Ninety-six per cent of Quakers surveyed have rated the support provided by Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM)’s Vibrancy In Meetings pilot programme as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’.

Quakers uphold New Zealand after terror attack
29th March 2019

Quakers uphold New Zealand after terror attack

by Rebecca Hardy
29th March 2019

Amersham Quakers consider roots of violence

by Rebecca Hardy

Amersham Friends held their last meeting on the subject of ‘Why conflict? Why violence?’ this month.

29th March 2019

Luton and Leighton Friends host Turning the Tide talk

by Rebecca Hardy

Luton and Leighton Area Meeting (AM) organised a Meeting for Learning this month featuring members of staff from Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW). Tobias Wellner, East…

29th March 2019

European online Meeting for Worship on 29 March

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA), the Friends World Committee for Consultation’s Europe and Middle East Section (FWCC EMES) and Woodbrooke have organised an online…

29th March 2019

Hitchin Meeting considers Brexit divisions

by Rebecca Hardy

Hitchin Meeting held a second special Preparatory Meeting (PM) about the political situation surrounding Brexit this month following a concern raised in Meeting for Worship last…

29th March 2019

QVA helps Calais refugees

by Rebecca Hardy

A member of Quaker Voluntary Action (QVA) spent two days in Calais this month volunteering for refugees.

22nd March 2019

MP invites Quaker to write on ‘new economy’

by Rebecca Hardy

North London Quakers called for ‘reform of our banking and financial systems’ in a blog for the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Inclusive Growth.