Rally in Moscow against the deployment of Cruise and Pershing missiles in Western Europe, 1 October 1983. Photo: Courtesy of LSE.

A new online project has been launched by the LSE Ideas think tank and the Open University

LSE project explores 1980s peace activism

A new online project has been launched by the LSE Ideas think tank and the Open University

by Rebecca Hardy 24th January 2020

A new online project exploring the history of peace activism in the UK during the 1980s has been launched by the London School of Economics (LSE) Ideas think tank and the Open University. ‘Peace Activism in the UK during the Cold War’ is an online resource created by Luc-André Brunet and features newly digitised documents from the collection of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), housed at LSE Library.

According to LSE, the archives provide new insights into different aspects of the British peace movement in the 1980s, from the iconic Women’s Peace Camp at Greenham Common and the historic Hyde Park rally on 22 October 1983, to more local, grassroots campaigning.

Luc-André Brunet told the Friend that he would be ‘very open to adding some content on Quaker action during this period, provided these could be digitised and permission given. The resource focuses mainly on the activities of CND; in large part because the archives of CND are housed at LSE Library. As such the resource doesn’t feature Quaker content explicitly, but the Quakers were of course very much involved in these same issues around peace in the 1980s’.  The project also includes video commentary by activists, policymakers and academics.


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