14th June 2019

QSA backs campaign to stop threatening debt letters

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) has backed a campaign to stop threatening debt collection letters that was debated in the UK parliament Commons Treasury committee last month.

7th June 2019

Quakers join calls to save EU peace project

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker bodies are among 108 organisations that have signed a declaration called: ‘Save the European Peace Project.’

7th June 2019

Joseph Rowntree Foundation calls time on in-work poverty

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker-founded Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has outlined how the government can ‘call time on the injustice of in-work poverty’ following recent proposals to tackle the…

7th June 2019

Friends meet to debate Land Value Tax

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers gathered at Mount Street Meeting House in Manchester last week to discuss the benefits of Land Value Tax (LVT). Speakers on 1 June came from the Coalition for Economic…

Art the Arms Fair’s Instagram ‘residencies’
7th June 2019

Art the Arms Fair’s Instagram ‘residencies’

by Rebecca Hardy
7th June 2019

Centenary of Quaker photo that proved Einstein right

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends at Yearly Meeting were keen to mark the centenary of the groundbreaking photograph of the total solar eclipse by Quaker Arthur Eddington which confirmed Albert Einstein’s…

7th June 2019

Epistle from EMEYF gathering

by Rebecca Hardy

European and Middle East Young Friends (EMEYF) has released its epistle from the 2019 Spring Gathering that took place in Peski, Russia last month.

31st May 2019

Friends’ shock over Jacob Rees-Mogg booking

by Rebecca Hardy

There was shock and concern among Quakers last week when it was discovered that the Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg took part in an event at Friends House in Euston.

31st May 2019

Reading Friends host talk on European elections

by Rebecca Hardy

Reading Quakers held an ‘information event’ about the European elections this month. Jessica Metheringham, the outgoing parliamentary engagement officer at Britain Yearly…

31st May 2019

Quaker MEP refuses stage with UKIP

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker MEP Molly Scott Cato refused to take part in a European election hustings in Gloucester Cathedral because the panel included a UKIP member.

31st May 2019

Quakers on anti-racism march in Berlin

by Rebecca Hardy

Members of the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) were among the 30,000 people who took part in a march against nationalism and hate in Berlin this month. The ‘Ein Europa…

Friends in Newcastle anti-nuclear event
31st May 2019

Friends in Newcastle anti-nuclear event

by Rebecca Hardy