12th July 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting reviewed

by Joseph Jones

One of Meeting for Sufferings representatives’ tasks is to review Yearly Meetings (YMs). A wider survey of YMs will take place in October, so Friends reported on their…

12th July 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Gender diversity

by Joseph Jones

Meeting for Sufferings received two submissions on gender diversity: a minutes from Young Friends General Meeting (YFGM)  and an initial statement from Quaker Life Central…

12th July 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: ‘Beyond Vibrancy’

by Rebecca Hardy

‘Proceed with caution’ seemed to be the message to Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees in the ‘Support for Meetings – beyond the Vibrancy pilot’ session. The afternoon…

12th July 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Young people’s participation

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers were asked to consider whether the definition of an attender for sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds should be changed for the annual Tabular Statement. This discussion was…

5th July 2019

Quaker peace campaigner wins compensation

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker peace campaigner who claimed she was deliberately run over by a car has been awarded £15,000 in compensation after a long-standing fight for justice.

5th July 2019

Mass lobby urges action on climate

by Rebecca Hardy

More than 100 Quakers from England, Scotland and Wales came to Westminster last week to take part in ‘The Time is Now’, a mass lobby of parliament urging MPs to take action on…

5th July 2019

Global Peace Index: Quaker House launch

by Rebecca Hardy

The average level of ‘global peacefulness’ improved for the first time in five years, according to the 2019 Global Peace Index launched at Quaker House in Brussels last month.…

5th July 2019

Letter to Foreign Office about Iran

by Rebecca Hardy

The Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) has called for the UK to ‘act to reduce tensions and commit to nuclear disarmanent’ in the light of escalating conflict with Iran,…

28th June 2019

Quakers mark Refugee Week

by Rebecca Hardy

The annual Refugee Week got off to a good start when the government announced that the UK will resettle 5,000 of the world’s most vulnerable refugees in the first year of a new…

BYM and Woodbrooke work together for changes
28th June 2019

BYM and Woodbrooke work together for changes

by Rebecca Hardy
28th June 2019

Quakers go to Glastonbury

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends will be donning their wellies this weekend when, for what is thought to be the first year ever, there will be a Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) presence at Glastonbury…

28th June 2019

Standing ovation for Quaker prison theatre

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker theatre company performed in front of an audience of sixty inmates at a prison in the south west of England this month.