Forty people came to hear Quaker David Gee deliver Huddersfield Meeting’s annual peace lecture this month on ‘Rethinking Security’. Robin Bowles, from Huddersfield Meeting,…
Quakers in Scotland are celebrating the news that Scotland has become the first country in the UK to make it a criminal offence for parents to smack their children. Eighty-four…
A Quaker from Kenya spoke at Friends House last week about the different traditions of Quakerism. John Muhanji, director of the Africa Ministries Office of Friends United Meeting…
An Edinburgh Quaker brought together thirty Friends to take part in a march to remain in the EU after what he described as ‘a lack of response’ from Quakers.
An eighty-one-year-old Friend from Huddersfield who was arrested in Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) ‘October Rebellion’ was quoted in an article in the Guardian newspaper. Sarah…
Friends were among around 100 people who gathered for an interfaith climate prayer meeting in Dublin last month to show solidarity with youth climate strikers. Organised by a new…
Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) has been looking at end-of-life issues throughout the last decade. In 2010 North Scotland Area Meeting (AM) minuted its opposition to the End of Life…
In 2014 the then home secretary Theresa May announced an Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). The Inquiry has asked the Religious Society of Friends, along with…
Quaker Stewardship Committee (QSC), which helps and guides Meetings in the stewardship of their finance and property, has no formal relationship with Meeting for Sufferings. But…
In the last session of the weekend Friends heard from Anne van Staveren, BYM’s media relations officer, and Grace Da Costa, the public affairs and advocacy manager, about how the…
Central Manchester Meeting and Young Friends in Manchester have spoken out about the frustration they feel at the slow pace of talks regarding a concern about a booking at Mount…
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