Quaker GP videos
Justin Amery, a Quaker GP, has released a series of videos for frail and at risk people during the crisis
A Wallingford Friend who is leading the Oxfordshire End of Life Care response to the Covid-19 pandemic has put together a series of videos for frail and at risk people during the crisis.
GP Justin Amery, who specialises in palliative care, told the Friend: ‘It struck me very early that a lot of people would be isolated and at home and have little comfort coping with something very unfamiliar and frightening, so I wanted to share some facts and experience. Some people have a lot of fears but don’t want to talk about them.’
The six videos look at topics such as: planning for the worst case scenario; coronavirus symptoms, facts and figures; ‘let’s talk about dying’; how to plan ahead and have ‘hard conversations’.
According to the Quaker, the videos have been popular,. ‘I’m a novice in these [technological] matters. It was the first time I did a YouTube video, but I’ve had lots of good feedback and the videos were posted on the website for the International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care.’
Amid all the anguish, there have also been ‘rays of sunshine: tremendous acts of kindness and community spirit’.