Openings to the infinite ocean: A Friendly offering of hope

2020 Swarthmore Lecture live-streamed

Openings to the infinite ocean: A Friendly offering of hope

by Rebecca Hardy 10th July 2020

The 2020 Swarthmore Lecture Openings to the infinite ocean: A Friendly offering of hope by Tom Shakespeare will be live-streamed on 1 August.

The Swarthmore Lecture Committee and Tom Shakespeare felt that, despite Yearly Meeting Gathering being postponed, the lecture on the nature of hope ‘is still hugely relevant to our current times… How did Friends in the past have hope in dark times and how can we have it today?’

The lecture will also be available on Woodbrooke’s YouTube channel from 2 August. There will be two free ‘Meet the Lecturer’ sessions with Tom Shakespeare on 3 and 5 August, for which Friends need to register in advance.


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