19th July 2019

Jobs ‘deleted’ at Friends House

by Rebecca Hardy

There was tension in Friends House last week when three Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) posts were ‘deleted’ with imminent redundancies.

Friends ride for ‘Freedom from Torture’
19th July 2019

Friends ride for ‘Freedom from Torture’

by Rebecca Hardy
19th July 2019

Scottish Friends hail climate declaration

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends from Forres in Moray are celebrating the news that Moray Council in Scotland has declared a climate and ecological emergency after a Quaker-backed campaign.

19th July 2019

Quakers at Glastonbury on ‘Songs of Praise’

by Rebecca Hardy

The group of Quakers who hosted a tent at Glastonbury Festival featured on the BBC programme Songs of Praise last week.

19th July 2019

Quakers meet Elizabeth II

by Rebecca Hardy

A representative from London Quakers met Elizabeth II last month at a Buckingham Palace reception to celebrate the work of faith groups promoting community cohesion.

19th July 2019

Quakers at Global Mennonite conference

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends took part in a global gathering of Mennonites in the Netherlands last month. The event, which takes place every three years, focused on migration, peace, gender-justice and…

12th July 2019

Manchester Quakers mark 200th anniversary of Peterloo massacre

by Rebecca Hardy

Manchester Friends hosted a poetry event last week to mark the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo massacre, where tens of thousands of people demonstrating for parliamentary reform…

BYM launches Israel/Palestine education pack
12th July 2019

BYM launches Israel/Palestine education pack

by Rebecca Hardy
12th July 2019

Quakers consider Sanctuary to mark Windrush Day

by Rebecca Hardy

London Quakers marked Windrush Day by joining with the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) and members of Britain Yearly Meeting’s (BYM’s) Sanctuary Meetings programme to…

12th July 2019

‘The Pity of War’ sculpture represented in Navy museum

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker-supported sculpture that grew out of a concern about noncombatant war memorials is being exhibited for the first time in a military location.

12th July 2019

FWCC meets in Toronto

by Rebecca Hardy

Fifteen Friends from ten different countries came together at Canadian Yearly Meeting’s Camp NeeKauNis in Toronto last month for the annual week-long gathering of the Friends…

12th July 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Remembering human values

by Joseph Jones

The July Meeting for Sufferings (MfS)began with a reading from Grigor McClelland’s 1976 contribution to Quaker faith & practice: ‘What is important is that institutions and…