The risk of poverty has risen for workers in families with children, according to the Quaker-founded Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).
The Quaker group Roots of Resistance (RoR) stepped up its campaign against the University of Huddersfield this month calling for the institution to end ‘its complicity’ with…
Modern slavery is all around, a Richmond Quaker told nineteen Friends last month at a London Quakers gathering. Rebecca Baumgartner, a civil servant whose work for the last four…
Quakers in Florence celebrated their first birthday this month, at the same time as a local magazine published a feature about them.
A Quaker from Bolton Meeting will have her film about ‘coming out’ as a gay teenager shown at the Museum of Liverpool this week. Nan to the Rescue by Rosie Adamson-Clark and…
Central England Quakers (CEQ) has discerned that its low carbon work should now continue as CEQ Climate Emergency Action (CEQ CEA) with subgroups and co-clerks. The decision was…
Members of the Quaker Gender and Sexual Diversity Community (QGSDC) gathered at Westminster Meeting House this month to hear talks from Britain Yearly Meeting staff ten years after…
Quaker Homeless Action (QHA) has reported a busy season for the second year of its London winter shelter. The centre in a church in Gospel Oak in north London opened a year ago in…
A Quaker who wrote and self-published a book about homelessness has had his work turned into a play. Norwich Friend Robert Ashton’s Any Spare Change? has been adapted into a…
Marigold Bentley, head of peace programmes and faith relations for Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), has said that it was especially important that Quakers participated in Holocaust…
Friends came together on 1 February to reflect on the issue of diversity and inclusion following the second conference on the subject, which took place at Woodbrooke last month.…
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