8th November 2019

Milford Haven Friends open wellbeing centre

by Rebecca Hardy

Milford Haven Quakers have opened a meditation and wellbeing centre at their Meeting house after a long period of discernment. David Doorbar, clerk of the Meeting, said the…

8th November 2019

Quakers will hold leaders to account

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has pledged that it will be asking politicians searching questions in the run-up to the general election, as well as cautioning about ‘the nature of…

8th November 2019

Essex Friend at Mexican conference

by Rebecca Hardy

A Friend from Colchester Meeting spoke at an international congress in Mexico as part of her testimony as a Quaker in addressing ‘the needs of the most traumatised and vulnerable…

Peace banners  on display
8th November 2019

Peace banners on display

by Rebecca Hardy
8th November 2019

Friends celebrate fracking moratorium

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are celebrating the moratorium on fracking in the UK that the government announced last week, but pressed for an outright ban.

Play to help fight against poverty
8th November 2019

Play to help fight against poverty

by Rebecca Hardy
1st November 2019

Bruce Kent awarded peace prize

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers expressed delight at the news that veteran peace campaigner Bruce Kent has been awarded the 2019 International Peace Bureau (IPB) Sean MacBride Peace Prize.

1st November 2019

Pre-election warning from anti-frackers

by Rebecca Hardy

Nearly 100 anti-fracking groups and campaigners have signed a letter to Boris Johnson calling for fracking to be banned. Friends who have long campaigned against the practice of…

1st November 2019

Quaker author at Writers Rebel

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker author joined forty writers including Simon Schama, Susie Orbach and Ali Smith at a two-hour literary event in support of Extinction Rebellion (XR). Lucy-Anne Holmes, from…

1st November 2019

Quaker Lesbian Group considers equality

by Rebecca Hardy

Twelve members of the Quaker Lesbian Group (QLG) met to discuss the Quaker testimony of equality last month for their second annual weekend gathering.

1st November 2019

Friends hold Mental Health Forum

by Rebecca Hardy

Seventy Friends who gathered for the Quaker Mental Health Forum last month have shared a minute for Friends.