‘For many years Quakers have been pressing for increased transparency.'

Friend in financial transparency guide

‘For many years Quakers have been pressing for increased transparency.'

by Rebecca Hardy 20th November 2020

A leading Quaker environmental campaigner has contributed to a guidebook on climate-related financial disclosure. Chris Martin from Cotteridge Meeting told the Friend that he was asked to comment on early drafts of A user guide to climate-related financial disclosures, as well as writing in the final book.

‘For many years Quakers have been pressing for increased transparency on taxation, offshore funds and other financial areas to help expose the injustices and inequalities that lie behind our present economic system.

‘Moves to increase transparency on the companies’ climate impacts, though, are being led by the international Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

‘A valuable source of climate impact information, though, is becoming available through companies’ and pension funds’ climate risk disclosure statements. These will be very useful for Quaker and other climate action and environmental groups.’ 

In the guidebook’s introduction, Chris Martin writes: ‘Quakers in Britain have led the way since 2011 in divesting charitable funds from fossil fuel extraction companies as part of becoming a low-carbon, sustainable community. Quakers welcome moves towards requirements for corporate disclosure and campaign for greater transparency. This guide for the users of companies’ climate-related disclosures will be very valuable in terms of helping Quakers and others to challenge companies in constructive and informed ways.’

The guide is published by The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment.

Chris Martin is the Central England Quakers Climate Emergency Action cities co-clerk.


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