25th October 2019

Friends in call to end hunger by 2030

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are among a coalition of national and local charities, anti-poverty organisations and faith groups who have urged the country’s leaders to act now to end hunger in the UK.

25th October 2019

Quaker for Christian World Communions chairperson

by Rebecca Hardy

Gretchen Castle, the general secretary of Friends Worldwide Committee for Consultation (FWCC), has been appointed the chairperson for the Conference of Secretaries of Christian…

25th October 2019

Blue plaque at Woodbrooke for Gandhi

by Rebecca Hardy

A blue plaque has been unveiled at Woodbrooke to mark the 150th birthday anniversary of Mohandas Gandhi – and to honour his speech there exactly eighty-eight years ago.

25th October 2019

Huddersfield hosts peace lecture with David Gee

by Rebecca Hardy

Forty people came to hear Quaker David Gee deliver Huddersfield Meeting’s annual peace lecture this month on ‘Rethinking Security’. Robin Bowles, from Huddersfield Meeting,…

18th October 2019

Scottish Friends welcome smacking ban

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in Scotland are celebrating the news that Scotland has become the first country in the UK to make it a criminal offence for parents to smack their children. Eighty-four…

18th October 2019

Kenyan Quaker speaks at Friends House

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker from Kenya spoke at Friends House last week about the different traditions of Quakerism. John Muhanji, director of the Africa Ministries Office of Friends United Meeting…

18th October 2019

Friend calls for stronger Quaker Brexit stance

by Rebecca Hardy

An Edinburgh Quaker brought together thirty Friends to take part in a march to remain in the EU after what he described as ‘a lack of response’ from Quakers.

Friends in vigil for Tory conference
18th October 2019

Friends in vigil for Tory conference

by Rebecca Hardy
18th October 2019

Quaker XR arrestee speaks in the Guardian

by Rebecca Hardy

An eighty-one-year-old Friend from Huddersfield who was arrested in Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) ‘October Rebellion’ was quoted in an article in the Guardian newspaper. Sarah…

18th October 2019

Interfaith climate prayer in Dublin

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends were among around 100 people who gathered for an interfaith climate prayer meeting in Dublin last month to show solidarity with youth climate strikers. Organised by a new…

18th October 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Assisted dying and end-of-life issues

by Joseph Jones

Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) has been looking at end-of-life issues throughout the last decade. In 2010 North Scotland Area Meeting (AM) minuted its opposition to the End of Life…