20th December 2019

Quakers join call for politicians to promote ‘social cohesion’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are among a group of faith, belief and community organisations who have signed a statement calling on politicians to heal societal divides. The statement from The Faith and…

Friends raise over £5,000 for homelessness
20th December 2019

Friends raise over £5,000 for homelessness

by Rebecca Hardy
20th December 2019

Paul Parker explores extreme poverty and food banks

by Rebecca Hardy

Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), took part in a Trussell Trust event for church leaders this month. The gathering explored the role of faith…

20th December 2019

Art the Arms Fair donates work to the Peace Museum

by Rebecca Hardy

The partly Quaker-founded Art the Arms Fair, which was formed as ‘creative resistance’ to the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair in London, has…

20th December 2019

FWCC launches second sustainability webinar

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has released a video of its second webinar on the theme of sustainability and climate justice. The project follows the success of…

20th December 2019

Chichester Meeting draws closer links in LGBTQ communities

by Rebecca Hardy

The Chichester Quaker Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Inclusion (SOGII) group is growing closer links with the Quaker Gender and Sexual Diversity Community (QGSDC) as a result…

20th December 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Appropriate oversight

by Harry Albright

Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) received a minute from Central Yorkshire Area Meeting (AM) regarding the suitability of the term ‘overseer’ to describe Friends who have oversight…

20th December 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Nominations

by Harry Albright

MfS returned to the issue of nominations processes, which it had considered in November 2018. Recording clerk Paul Parker presented a draft terms of reference for a new committee,…

20th December 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Trustees report

by Harry Albright

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) treasurer Linda Batten introduced the budget for 2020. ‘Quakers matter, and the work that Quakers do matter,’ but membership is decreasing and so…

20th December 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Other business

by Harry Albright

Meeting for Sufferings agreed to register the Quaker Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse as a Quaker Recognised Body.

20th December 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Clerk retires

by Harry Albright

Assistant clerk Margaret Bryan reminded Friends that ‘this Meeting marks the end of Anne [Ullathorne]’s service as clerk of Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), having been the…

13th December 2019

New Holocaust Memorial Day prayer

by Rebecca Hardy

Christian, Muslim and Jewish faith leaders have created a prayer for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The prayer for Holocaust Memorial Day…