Occupy is one year old
The first anniversary of Occupy London Stock Exchange was marked on 15 October
Occupy London Stock Exchange began on 15 October 2011 and set up camp at St Paul’s Cathedral the following day. It followed Occupy movements in many cities worldwide.
On Sunday 14 October 2012 a group calling themselves Christianity Uncut unfurled a banner on the front steps of St Paul’s reading: ‘Throw the money changers out of the temple’. Four women, dressed in white, who peacefully chained themselves to the cathedral pulpit inside calmly read out a statement encouraging church authorities to follow Jesus’ example of siding with the poor.
Siobhan Grimes, one of the four women, said: ‘We have not taken the decision to engage in this action lightly. In February, we were dragged by police from the steps of St Paul’s as we prayed. We sought respectful dialogue with the cathedral authorities, but they refused to meet with us. We have, therefore, sought other ways to make our views known. This is not about attacking the church. It is a demonstration by Christians, calling on other Christians to take a stand against cuts and inequality.’