A commemorative plaque at the University of Bradford. Photo: Courtesy of the Quaker Peace Studies Trust.
Peace Studies department celebrates
Peace Studies department celebrates its fortieth anniversary
The University of Bradford’s Peace Studies department celebrated its fortieth anniversary on 24 October.
Quaker Peace Studies Trust and Peace Studies staff witnessed the planting of a tree commemorating the founding of the department, the first in the world devoted to the subject. At the same event, the Soroptimists unveiled their latest Peace Pole, and representatives of Rotary International and UNESCO heard addresses from their sponsored students.
‘It was a remarkable day, all due to the foresight and commitment of a small group of Friends who took their concern to Meeting for Sufferings in 1971, and then saw the establishment of the world’s first department of Peace Studies,’ Quaker Peace Studies Trust clerk Peter Speirs told the Friend.
More than 3,000 students have now passed through Peace Studies at Bradford. The department continues to grow, with more than twenty staff currently in post.